Architect from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Master of Architecture from the Technical University of Szczecin Poland, Mankind and Biosphere UNESCO Program. Postgraduate in “Remaking Landscapes” from the Master in Landscape Architecture, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, UPC. Postgraduate in Writing and Architecture, School of Design ELISAVA, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Diploma in Higher Education CEPIES, UMSA. Professor Emeritus UMSA. Co-author of the Master’s Program in Architectural and Urban Projects / Agreement Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña – FAADU UMSA Lecturer in World Congresses of the International Union of Architects, XXII UIA Istanbul 2005, XXI UIA Berlin 2002, XIX UIA Barcelona 96, X Biennial Bolivian Architecture and events of international organizations and Bolivian and foreign universities on, Portfolio of Works and Projects of ARQUITECTONICA ESTUDIO / A. E. Scholz – Aranz. E. Scholz – Aranibar – Scholz, Modern Architecture in Bolivia, Lecturas e Identidades urbanas and Parque Urbano Central /La Paz. His studio, founded in 1991, ARQUITECTÓNICA ESTUDIO, registers works and projects, in design and construction, of small, medium and large scale in housing, equipment, urban design and complex consultancies from Projects to Final Design and Construction Supervision – in collaboration with foreign consulting firms. He has participated in several architectural competitions, both national and international, being many of them awarded. The record of the competitions can be found in the firm’s portfolio. Founder and Director of Intangible and Natural Tangible Heritage, Municipal Government of La Paz, Promoter of the Central Urban Park, project that generated the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of La Paz.

Consultant GMLP – PL 480 USAID, Technical Manager and Architect in charge of the Central Urban Park Project. Author of the Graphic History of the book “Arquitectura Moderna en Bolivia” by Hugo Omar Sánchez H. (+) and of the Archive “Arquitectura del Siglo XX en Bolivia, Obra de Alfredo Saenz García 1938-1950, Luís Perrín Pando 1941-1970 y Juan Carlos Calderón 1960-1994”. Research in Landscape Architecture: Ciudad Empresarial y Reconstrucciones Arquitectónicas en la ciudad de El Alto 2014, Conformación de la Ladera Oeste – Vivienda y Arquitectura La Paz 2011, Paisaje natural y cultural, Salar de Uyuni, 2010. Existences and Preexistences Tiahuanacu, Bolivia 2009. The Reconstruction of the Project: Central Monoblock UMSA, 2008. San Pedro “La Isla Bonita” La Paz, 2007. Copacabana, Bolivia 2006. Author of the book “el Espacio público en la estructura de la Ciudad, una experiencia singular / el parque urbano central de La Paz”, sabbatical year 2005, updated 2009 and published 2010 by ASDI/ SAREC – DIPGIS UMSA. Invited to the Urban Revitalization Program “Strategies for the Integral Development of Cities and Recovery of Cultural and Natural Heritage”. Exchange of experiences in the cities of Washington, New York, Salt Lake City, San Antonio and Chicago. Consultant in Housing Strategies for low-income sectors. Dean of the School of Architecture, Arts, Design and Urbanism. Teacher of Architectural Projects Workshop, Urban Morphology, Tutor of Undergraduate Projects and CLEFA and ARQUISUR Student Competitions, winners of awards and mentions. In 2019 he has received the distinction of the Municipal Government of La Paz, TEA de la Libertad, for his contribution to the architecture of the city.


Architect by the Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”. Architectural training at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona – UPC, within the Catedra Blanca – from 3rd year to the Final Project – Specialty in “Architecture of Barcelona” by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Master Architect in Theory and Practice of the Architectural Project, ETSAB – UPC, Barcelona. Diploma in Higher Education CEPIES, UMSA. Master in the Construction Project Management program, promoted by the Bolivian Society of Engineers, the Bolivian Chamber of Construction and the Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB). Lecturer at the X Biennial of Bolivian Architecture, at the VII Biennial of Architecture of Santa Cruz – BASC- and invited to the VIII Biennial BASC, within the axis ARQ. BO – selection of the 10 representative works at national level – Bolivian universities on, Portfolio of Works and Projects of ARQUITECTONICA ESTUDIO / A .E. Scholz – Aranibar – Scholz, Project Values: Aspects of the Thyssen Haus, recognized in the Hamburg Power Plant – Research of Master Thesis on office buildings.

In 2007 he joined ARQUITECTÓNICA ESTUDIO, where he registers works and projects, in design and construction, of small, medium and large scale in housing, equipment, urban design and complex consultancies from Projects to Final Design and Construction Supervision – in collaboration with foreign consulting firms. He has participated in several architectural competitions, both national and international, being many of them awarded. The record of the competitions can be found in the firm’s portfolio. Author of the book “El detalle constructivo en el proyecto de arquitectura” “Hospital Obrero Santiago II – El Alto. Memoria de Proyecto a tres del detalle arquitectónico y constructivo”. Specialist in Architecture, in multidisciplinary projects of urban complexity.


Architect by the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Doctoral Candidate in Architectural Projects at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, School of Architecture of Barcelona, within the Line of Modern Form. DEA Degree – Advanced Doctoral Studies. Specialization in Form Control at the Gaudí Chair, within the UPC-ETSAB. Diploma in Higher Education CEPIES, UMSA. Professor Emeritus UMSA. Co-author of the Master’s Program in Architectural and Urban Projects / Agreement between Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña – FAADU UMSA. Has taught Project Workshop at the Bolivian Catholic University. Lecturer at the World Congress of the International Union of Architects XIX UIA Barcelona 96, X Biennial Bolivian Architecture and Bolivian and foreign universities on, Portfolio of Works and Projects of ARQUITECTONICA ESTUDIO / A .E. Scholz – Aranibar – Scholz, Research on Modern Architecture in Latin America.

His studio, founded in 1991, ARQUITECTÓNICA ESTUDIO, registers works and projects, in design and construction, of small, medium and large scale in housing, equipment, urban design and complex consultancies from Projects to Final Design and Construction Supervision – in collaboration with foreign consulting firms. He has participated in several architectural competitions, both national and international, being many of them awarded. The record of the competitions can be found in the firm’s portfolio. Author of several researches on modern architecture, within the framework of the Grupo FORM – Grupo de investigación de la Línea La Forma Moderna, of the Universidad Politécnica de CatalunyaCo-author of the book “Arquitectura en la Ciudad de La Paz”, published by the Colegio de Arquitectos de La Paz. Co-author of the book “Arquitectura Contemporánea en Bolivia” published by AECID – Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo.